Quick Rescue: Dropped Airpods In Water?

You’re out for a morning jog, listening to your favorite tunes on your AirPods. Suddenly, you stumble and your AirPods fall out of your ears and into a nearby puddle. Your heart sinks as you frantically try to retrieve them, but it’s too late. They’re submerged in water, and you fear they may be ruined forever. But fear not, because with quick action and the right steps, you can rescue your AirPods and salvage your investment.

In this article, we’ll guide you through the steps to take if you’ve dropped your AirPods in water. From turning them off immediately to contacting Apple support, we’ll provide you with all the information you need to save your precious earbuds. We’ll also cover prevention tips and common mistakes to avoid so that you can continue to enjoy your AirPods for years to come. So, take a deep breath, and let’s get started on your quick rescue mission.

Key Takeaways

  • Turn off AirPods immediately and avoid using them right after water damage
  • Use a hair dryer on low heat or desiccants to dry out AirPods
  • Wait 48 hours in a dry place before testing AirPods for sound quality, microphone, connection, and battery life
  • Prevention is key: keep AirPods in a protective case, avoid wet environments, and consider investing in waterproof alternatives.

Turn off Your AirPods Immediately

If you’ve accidentally dropped your AirPods in water, turn them off ASAP to prevent further damage! It’s the first step in preventing water damage to your precious earbuds. Contrary to popular belief, shaking your AirPods or blowing on them won’t help dry them out. In fact, it can even push water further into the device and cause even more damage. So, the best thing to do is to turn them off and keep them still.

Water damage can happen quickly and can be irreversible. That’s why it’s crucial to act fast and turn off your AirPods immediately. By doing so, you’re preventing the water from reaching the circuitry and causing more damage. Remember, the longer you wait to turn them off, the higher the chances of them being permanently damaged.

Common misconceptions about water damage to electronic devices can be dangerous. Some people believe that putting their AirPods in a bag of rice will help dry them out. However, this is not a reliable method as rice particles can get stuck in the charging port and cause more problems. The best thing to do is to turn them off and keep them still until you can remove them from the water.

Now that you’ve turned off your AirPods, it’s time to remove them from the water.

Remove Them from the Water

First, you need to take them out of the liquid as soon as possible to prevent further damage. Water damage prevention is crucial in this situation. Many people make the common mistake of waiting too long to remove their AirPods from the water. The longer they stay submerged, the more extensive the damage becomes.

When you remove your AirPods from the water, be sure to dry them off immediately. Use a soft cloth or tissue to wipe them down gently. Avoid using heat or a hairdryer, as this can damage the internal components. Instead, let them air dry for a few hours before attempting to use them again.

Remember that prevention is key in avoiding water damage to your AirPods. Be mindful of where you use them and avoid taking them near water sources. With the right care, your AirPods can last for years to come. Now that you have removed your AirPods from the water, the next step is to wipe them down.

Wipe Them Down

After removing your AirPods from liquid, the first thing you should do is gently wipe them down with a soft cloth or tissue to dry them off. This will help prevent any damage caused by the water. It’s important to wipe them down regularly, even if they haven’t been in water, as this will help keep them clean and free from debris.

Regular wiping of your AirPods can also help prevent the buildup of dirt and earwax on the ear tips and mesh. If you do notice any buildup, you can use specialized cleaning products to remove it. These products are designed to clean your AirPods without causing any damage to the delicate components.

Next, you’ll need to remove the ear tips and mesh to ensure that they’re completely dry. This will also give you the opportunity to inspect them for any signs of damage. If you notice any cracks or tears, it’s best to replace them to ensure that your AirPods continue to function properly.

Remove the Ear Tips and Mesh

Now that you’ve wiped down your AirPods, it’s time to remove the ear tips and mesh. You’ll notice how easy it is to remove them, almost as if they were never attached. As you take them off, imagine the feeling of peeling off a layer of protection from your AirPods.

Cleaning tips:

  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to gently clean the ear tips and mesh.
  • Be careful not to use too much force as it could damage the delicate components.
  • If the ear tips or mesh are damaged beyond repair, replacement options are available through Apple or third-party retailers.

Removing the ear tips and mesh allows you to thoroughly clean and dry all parts of your AirPods. Once you’ve cleaned the ear tips and mesh, it’s time to move on to the next step: using a soft cloth to dry them.

Use a Soft Cloth to Dry Them

To dry your AirPods, simply grab a soft cloth and gently wipe them down until all moisture is gone. It’s important to use a gentle touch to avoid damaging any delicate parts. Once you’ve wiped them down, leave them out in a well-ventilated area to air dry completely. Avoid using any heat sources, as this can damage the internal components.

In case the soft cloth didn’t do the trick, there are other alternative solutions that you can try to dry your AirPods. One of them is to use a desiccant, like silica gel, to absorb the moisture. Simply place your AirPods and the desiccant in an airtight container and leave them overnight. Another option is to use a vacuum cleaner to suck out any remaining moisture. However, be cautious not to apply too much suction as this can damage the AirPods.

Precautionary measures can also be taken to prevent your AirPods from getting wet in the first place. Always remove them before swimming or engaging in water activities. Store them in a water-resistant case and avoid exposing them to extreme temperatures or humidity levels. By taking these precautions, you can avoid the hassle of dealing with wet AirPods in the future.

Now that you’ve dried your AirPods with a soft cloth and explored alternative solutions and precautionary measures, the next step is to use a hair dryer on low heat to ensure that all moisture has been removed.

Use a Hair Dryer on Low Heat

If you want to ensure that your AirPods are completely dry, you can use a hair dryer on low heat, but be careful not to apply too much heat or you could cause damage. This method is effective because it helps evaporate the water from the AirPods quickly. However, it also comes with its benefits and risks.

One benefit of using a hair dryer is that it can dry your AirPods faster than other methods. This can be especially helpful if you need to use your AirPods right away. However, one risk of using a hair dryer is that it can be too hot and cause damage to your AirPods. Make sure to use low heat and hold the hair dryer at a safe distance from the AirPods.

If you prefer alternative drying methods, you can also try placing your AirPods in a bag of rice. This method can take longer, but it’s also a safer option as it doesn’t involve heat. Just ensure that your AirPods are completely submerged in the rice and leave them there for a day or two.

Place Them in a Bag of Rice

Once you’ve accidentally dropped your AirPods in water, you need to act quickly to save them. The first thing you should do is to place them in a bag of uncooked rice. The rice will help extract any moisture that may have seeped into the device. If you don’t have rice on hand, there are other alternatives you can use, such as silica gel packets or even instant oatmeal.

When using rice, it’s important to note that it’s not an instant fix. You’ll need to leave your AirPods in the rice for at least 24-48 hours. This timeframe will give the rice enough time to absorb any moisture and help dry out the device. It’s also important to keep the bag of rice in a dry place, away from any moisture or humidity.

After the rice method, you should leave your AirPods in a dry place for another 48 hours. This will ensure that any remaining moisture has evaporated from the device. Once the 48 hours are up, try turning on your AirPods to see if they work. If they don’t, you may need to contact Apple support for further assistance.

Leave Them in a Dry Place for 48 Hours

Now that your AirPods have been placed in a bag of rice, it’s time to patiently wait for 48 hours as they sit in a dry place to allow any remaining moisture to evaporate. This is a critical step in the process of recovering your electronics from moisture damage. Even if they seem to be working fine, it’s important to wait the full 48 hours to ensure that all moisture is removed. Rushing this step can result in permanent damage to your AirPods.

During these 48 hours, resist the temptation to check on your AirPods. Disturbing them can actually prolong the drying process and may cause more damage. Be patient and wait for the full 48 hours to pass. Once this time is up, your AirPods should be completely dry and ready for testing.

Once the 48 hour period has passed, it’s time to test them out. Put your AirPods back in their case and check to see if they are working properly. If they are functioning normally, then congratulations! You’ve successfully recovered your AirPods from moisture damage. However, if your AirPods are still not working as they should be, you may need to seek professional help to get them working again.

Test Them Out

So you thought you could survive without your precious AirPods, but now it’s time to test them out and see if they’re fully functional. Here’s the testing process you should follow to evaluate their sound quality:

  1. Put the AirPods in your ears and play some music or a podcast. Check if the sound quality is clear and if you can hear both left and right earbuds equally.
  2. Test the microphone by making a phone call or recording a voice memo. Speak into each AirPod and make sure your voice is clear and not muffled.
  3. Move around and test the connection. Walk away from your device and see if the connection remains strong. If the connection breaks, try resetting your AirPods.
  4. Check the battery life. If your AirPods were fully charged before they got wet, they should still have a decent amount of battery life left. If the battery life seems to be draining quickly, it may be time to replace them.

If your AirPods pass all these tests and are fully functional, congratulations! You’ve successfully rescued your AirPods from water damage. But if they still aren’t working properly, don’t worry – there’s still a chance to fix them. In the next section, we’ll show you how to reset your AirPods and troubleshoot any remaining issues.

Reset Your AirPods

To reset your AirPods, you’ll need to follow these simple steps. First, put both AirPods back into the charging case and close the lid. Wait for at least 30 seconds before opening the lid again. Next, press and hold down the button on the back of the case until the LED light starts flashing white. This should take about 15 seconds.

If the LED light does not start flashing, try charging the case and the AirPods for at least an hour before attempting to reset them again. If the reset is successful, you will need to re-pair your AirPods with your devices. To do this, go to the Bluetooth settings on your device and select your AirPods from the list of available devices.

Following this resetting process can often solve common issues with AirPods, such as connectivity problems or poor sound quality. However, if you’ve tried resetting your AirPods and are still experiencing issues, it may be time to contact Apple support for further troubleshooting tips.

In the next section, we’ll explore how to get in touch with Apple support and what to expect when seeking assistance for your AirPods.

Contact Apple Support

If you need help with your AirPods, you can contact Apple support for assistance. They offer a range of resources and services to help you get your AirPods up and running again. Here are four things to keep in mind when contacting Apple support:

  1. Be prepared with your AirPods serial number and details about the issue you’re experiencing.
  2. Apple support may offer alternatives to getting your AirPods repaired, such as troubleshooting steps or replacement options.
  3. If your AirPods are still under warranty, you may be able to get them repaired for free or at a reduced cost.
  4. Apple support can also provide advice on preventing water damage to your AirPods in the future.

It’s important to remember that there are alternatives to contacting Apple support, such as seeking out third-party repair services. However, if you’re unsure about how to proceed, or if your AirPods are still under warranty, Apple support is a reliable option to consider. If you’re still experiencing issues with your AirPods after contacting Apple support, it may be time to consider getting them repaired.

Consider Getting Them Repaired

You may want to think about repairing your AirPods if they are experiencing problems, as the saying goes, ‘a stitch in time saves nine.’ While contacting Apple Support may be your first instinct, it may not be the most cost-effective option. Instead, consider getting them repaired by a professional repair service.

There are many professional repair services available that can fix your damaged AirPods at a fraction of the cost of buying new ones. These services can offer a range of solutions, from replacing individual parts to fixing water damage. By opting for a professional repair service, you can save money while still getting your AirPods back in working order.

When it comes to cost-effective options, professional repair services are your best bet. Not only do they provide affordable solutions, but they also offer a quick turnaround time, so you don’t have to be without your AirPods for long. Additionally, many repair services offer warranties on their work, giving you peace of mind that your AirPods will continue to work for a long time to come.

Now that you know about cost-effective repair options, let’s move on to prevention tips to help you avoid future damage to your AirPods.

Prevention Tips

If you’ve experienced dropping your AirPods in water, you know the panic that ensues. While getting them repaired is an option, it’s always better to prevent accidents from happening in the first place. That’s why we’re going to discuss some prevention techniques and waterproof alternatives to keep your AirPods safe.

  1. Keep them in a protective case: A case not only protects your AirPods from scratches and damage, but it can also prevent water damage. Look for a case that’s waterproof or water-resistant to provide an extra layer of protection.

  2. Avoid wearing them in wet environments: While AirPods are sweat-resistant, they’re not waterproof. So, it’s best to avoid wearing them in environments where they might get wet, like during a workout or in the rain.

  3. Invest in waterproof alternatives: If you know that you’ll be using your AirPods in wet environments frequently, consider investing in waterproof alternatives. There are plenty of waterproof earbuds on the market that can withstand being submerged in water without any damage.

By following these prevention techniques and investing in waterproof alternatives, you can avoid the stress and hassle of dealing with water damage to your AirPods. However, accidents can still happen, so it’s important to know what common mistakes to avoid in case of an emergency.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

One common misconception people have when using their wireless earbuds is assuming that they are completely waterproof. While some earbuds may be labeled as water-resistant, they are not completely immune to water damage. It is important to read the manufacturer’s instructions and take precautions to avoid exposing them to water.

Another mistake people make is trying to use their airpods immediately after dropping them in water. This can cause irreversible damage to the internal components. Instead, it is best to turn off the airpods, dry them thoroughly with a soft cloth, and let them sit in a dry place for at least 24 hours before attempting to use them again.

If your airpods have been submerged in water for an extended period of time, there are alternative solutions you can try before giving up on them. One option is to place them in a bag of uncooked rice for a few days, as the rice will absorb any remaining moisture. Another option is to use silica gel packets, which can be found in many packaged products and are known for their ability to absorb moisture. By avoiding common mistakes and trying alternative solutions, you may be able to salvage your airpods after an accidental drop in water.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I still use my AirPods after they’ve been dropped in water?

Dunked your AirPods in water? Unfortunately, water damage can cause permanent harm. Repair costs may exceed the purchase price. Avoid a costly fix by keeping them dry.

What happens if I don’t turn off my AirPods immediately after dropping them in water?

If you don’t turn off your AirPods immediately after dropping them in water, potential damage may occur. Prevention measures include immediately removing them from the water and drying them thoroughly before attempting to use them again.

Is it safe to use a hair dryer on my wet AirPods?

Using a hair dryer on wet AirPods is risky. Wait at least 24 hours before using them again. Instead, place them in a dry, warm place. Patience is key to preventing further damage.

How do I know if my AirPods are completely dry before using them again?

To ensure your AirPods are completely dry before using them again, follow these tips: place them in a dry, warm area for at least 48 hours, use silica gel packets, and avoid using a hair dryer. To prevent future water damage, avoid exposing them to water and use protective cases.

What should I do if my AirPods still don’t work after following these steps?

If your AirPods still don’t work after attempting to dry them out, electronics damage may be the culprit. Replacement options are available through Apple. Common mistakes include not turning off devices and ignoring warnings. Prevention tips include keeping devices away from water.


So there you have it, a quick guide on what to do if you accidentally drop your AirPods in water. Remember to turn them off immediately, remove them from the water, and wipe them down. Don’t forget to also remove the ear tips and mesh, use a soft cloth to dry them, and contact Apple support for further assistance.

But what if you’re hesitant to contact Apple support? Maybe you’re worried about the cost of repair or the inconvenience of being without your AirPods for a while. While these concerns are valid, it’s important to remember that ignoring the issue can lead to further damage and ultimately a more costly repair. Plus, Apple support is there to help you and provide solutions to your problems. So, don’t hesitate to reach out if you need assistance with your AirPods. With these tips, you can overcome any obstacle and continue to enjoy your AirPods for years to come.

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